I'm Anne-Sophie

a dataviz practitioner

Anne-Sophie Pereira De Sá smiling, white woman with dark curly hair
snippet of a chart from my piece called 6 Reasons to(re)watch Buffy showing an arc diagram that displays all the payoffs and foreshadows in the TV series. The horizontal axis is the time (meaning the progression of the 144 episodes, 7 seasons) and each arc is a payoff (if above the line) or a foreshadow (if below) the horizontal line

Quantifying qualitative questions

Some of the curious questions I have explored through the medium of data visualisation:

  • What's the best recipe to win at Eurovision?
  • Are IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings similar?
  • What makes the musical Hamilton, the TV series Buffy, and the board game Seven Wonders so great?

more about me

Let's get in touch

If you love data visualisation as much as I do, reach out!

contact me