I'm Anne-Sophie

a dataviz practitioner

By day, I am a senior data analyst at LinkedIn.
By evening, I keep using data visualisation to overanalyse things I like.
This website is a collection of personal and professional projects.

Anne-Sophie Pereira De Sá smiling, white woman with dark curly hair
snippet of a chart from my piece called 6 Reasons to(re)watch Buffy showing an arc diagram that displays all the payoffs and foreshadows in the TV series. The horizontal axis is the time (meaning the progression of the 144 episodes, 7 seasons) and each arc is a payoff (if above the line) or a foreshadow (if below) the horizontal line

Why does data visualisation matter to me?

I believe you can use this medium to:

  • Challenge preconceived ideas
  • Make complex questions easier to grasp
  • Inspire moments of wonder, pause, and reflection
  • Evoke lasting emotions through beauty

more about me

What I can do

Data analysis

A thorough investigator, I keep pushing for the 'so what?'.

I can deep dive into quantitative, qualitative, large or unstructured datasets.

Data Visualisation

Since 2024, I have started working with D3, Svelte, and Layercake.

Prior to that, in 2021, I qualified for the Top 10 of Tableau's annual competition Ironviz. Three of my vizzes also appeared as a 'Viz of the Day' on Tableau's Public Gallery.

Automation and programming

I'm used to webscraping techniques to extract data (via Webscraper.io, Google Sheets or Beautiful Soup) and use advanced SQL for my main job.

I have created this website with HTML, CSS, Javascript and Svelte Kit.

Let's get in touch

If you love data visualisation as much as I do, reach out!

contact me